
  • Septia Tri Wilujeng universitas islam majapahit


mediamorphosis, qualitative description, conventional media


Competition in new media and the development of
information technology currently brings new trends that have an
impact on patterns of production, distribution, and consumption of
news, this forces conventional media to transform, including Jawa
Pos Radar Mojokerto. With the decline in the number of print media
readers, which resulted in a decrease in the number of media and
their circulation, the print media had to innovate with other onlinebased companies. With the existence of new media in the digital era,
Jawa Pos Radar Mojokerto conducts media convergence, this is done
to face media competition in the digital industry. This study aims to
determine the process of mediamorphosis and the occurrence of the
convergence process in Jawa Pos Radar Mojokerto. Researchers
used qualitative descriptive methods, data collection techniques by
means of field observations, interviews and documentation. This
research refers to the concept of mediamorphosis and continuum
convergence. Mediamorphosis carried out includes Coevolution,
Convergence, and Complexity. To find out the occurrence of
convergence activities, JPRM applies five stages, namely cross
promotion, cloning, cooperation, content sharing, and full
convergence. Based on the findings of the study, it was shown that the
Mojokerto daily newspaper, print media, carried out a
mediamorphosis by expanding the digital website platform, e-paper,
youtube channel and social media platforms (facebook, twitter,
instagram, tik-tok). As for the full convergence stage, it has not been
fully implemented because the production team is still the same,
meaning that each platform for the youtube news portal, social media
does not yet have its own editor or manager to manage the
distribution of the news planning process, so it can be said that it has
not yet reached the full convergence stage.


