Discourse Analysis, Kisah Tanah Jawa, WetonAbstract
Discourse Analysis of “Kisah Tanah Jawa” Youtube Content Part “Kuliah Metafisika Weton”. Javanese people were one of loyal community and uphold the norm, ethics, custom and culture which was passed down from generation to generation. Start from the smallest to the biggest things in every Javanese people behavior had their own philosophy. One of them was the calculating of the day and market in implementing life activity. “Weton” was combine of seven days in a week (Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum’at, Sabtu dan Ahad) with five Javanese market days (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon). In this research, writer wanted to analyze how “Kisah Tanah Jawa” packed a content so that can interest the viewer to watch these content. In this case, writer emphasized to analyze discourse which contained especially in episode “Kuliah Metafisika Weton”. Academic Function of this research contributed in communication science field especially in analysis discourse. While practically, writer wanted to give advice for the content owner in serving the interesting content to the viewer future. This research used qualitative description method. Data analysis data which was used in this research was descriptive method of analysis which included the process of collecting and compiling data analysis. Theoretical basis which was used was New Media theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory. It can be concluded that social media can give chance which equivalent to all people for giving information. Through video content “Youtube Kisah Tanah Jawa” Om Hao as a communicator tried to give discourse and knowledge to the audience for discourses which was developed in “Kuliah Metafisika Weton” and “Mempelajari Jodoh Lewat Weton”, here Om Hao said that technique or method to calculate weton with matric formula by using mathematical theorem which was simple packaging and easy to understand.