Semnas Sosial Politik 2022-11-09T21:14:46+07:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Indonesia sebagai salah satu pengguna internet terbesar di dunia yakni 132,7 <br />juta orang yang artinya setengah dari penduduk Indonesia sudah terhubung dengan <br />internet ini bisa menjadikan kekuatan yang besar dalam menghadapi era digital <br />sekarang. Disamping kekuatan juga banyak kelemahan atau dampak buruk yang <br />memberikan celah bagi segelintir orang atau kelompok yang memiliki kepentingan <br />terhadap Indonesia. Untuk itu, pemerintah Indonesia diharapkan mampu membentuk suatu rancangan roadmap pengembangan digitalisasi baik dalam sektor ekonomi, informasi, dan sektor lainnya, tentunya yang berdampak positif bagi masyarakat dan negara.<br />Dampak dari era digital yang paling terasa dimasyarakat yakni pada ekonomi yang ditandai dengan banyaknya perdagangan online dan peralihan tenaga kerja dari manusia menjadi basis mesin (otomasi mesin). Dampak lain adalah dalam hal informasi, dimana dengan kecanggihan teknologi memberikan celah bagi pengacau untuk membuat kebohongan informasi (hoax) untuk mencari keuntungannya ataupun membuat fitnah-fitnah yang mengadu domba. Kecanggihan tekonologi sayangnya tidak diiringi dengan pesatnya pemikiran, kreatifitas, dan inovasi masyarakat Indonesia. <br />Pragmatisme, hedonisme, sekulerisme membuat masyarakat Indonesia cenderung menjadi konsumeris atau pasar bagi produk dunia. Misalkan, makanan impor, pakaian <br />impor, dan lainnya. Bahkan, teknologi beserta aplikasi didalamnya adalah buatan asing yang tentunya membuat mereka mudah merubah pikiran masyarakat Indonesia melalui kebiasaan.<br />Dewasa ini, benar kalau dikatakan manusia tidak memanusiakan manusia. Akan tetapi <br />mendewakan yang namanya gadget. Banyak yang ketika saling berbicara antar satu dengan lainnya, tapi fokusnya pada gadget. Hal ini merupakan perubahan sosio-budaya yang semakin lama dapat mendegradasikan moral. Terlebih informasi yang ada saat ini rawan dimasuki oleh pengaruh negatif, seperti pengaruh radikalisme lewat media, adu domba, dan kebohongan lainnya yang dapat merusak eksistensi NKRI. Hari ini sudah seharusnya mempersiapkan sumber daya manusia yang berkarakter,memiliki nilai-nila Pancasila, mampu menjawab tantangan global, mengembangkan teknologi, dan inovasi. Oleh karenanya perlu kajian lebih dalam mengenai proses perubahan akibat globalisasi yang sekarang ini menekankan pada digitalisasi. </p> KONSTRUKSI SOSIAL TATA KELOLA GRIAKU DAN PASAR SAYUR PACET 2022-11-08T22:57:12+07:00 Ahmad Afandi santoso Jenny Yudha Utama jennyyuda@unim.acid <p>Governance of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is a crucial <br>effort in running BUMDes so that it can run well. The managerial <br>ability and human resource capacity of the managers are enough <br>to determine whether or not this BUMDes will run. This study uses <br>a qualitative approach to produce a comprehensive picture of the <br>problems studied. The analysis in this study uses the theory of <br>Social Construction by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann by <br>focusing on the social construction of GRIAKU governance and <br>Pacet Vegetable Market. Based on the results and analysis that <br>social construction occurs in three simultaneous moments, namely <br>externalization, objectification, and internalization. Meanwhile, <br>construction results that show results such as GRIAKU and Pacet <br>Vegetable Market as jobs for the Pacet Village community,<br>GRIAKU and Pacet Vegetable Market as an instrument to increase <br>PADes, GRIAKU as a culinary tourism icon in Pacet Village, <br>Pacet Vegetable Market as a night snack, and GRIAKU as a CFD.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik PERAN DINAS KOPERASI USAHA MIKRO, INDUSTRI DAN PERDAGANGAN KOTA MOJOKERTO DALAM PROGRAM INKUBASI WIRAUSAHA 2022-11-08T23:03:25+07:00 Al Fandi Dwi Cahyo N Ahmad Hasan Afandi Jenny Yudha Utama jennyyuda@unim.acid <p>The Mojokerto City Government initiated a program by creating a <br>program called Entrepreneurial Incubation based on the Mayor's <br>Regulation number 14 of 2021 which was aimed at fostering <br>entrepreneurs, especially in the culinary field. affected by the 2019 <br>Covid Pandemic until now the program is still continuing and getting <br>a good response for Mojokerto City residents in developing interest in <br>the field of entrepreneurship, This research is a qualitative <br>descriptive research, this type of research is a case study using direct <br>observation data collection methods, Interviews with informants, as <br>well as documentation studies, were conducted at the Department of <br>Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade of <br>Mojokerto City. This research is analyzed using the concept of Role <br>theory . The results of this study reveal that the Department of <br>Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade of <br>the City of Mojokerto has carried out the entrepreneurial incubation <br>program in accordance with Perwali Number 14 of 2021 and <br>provided detailed training on the world of entrepreneurship and in its <br>follow-up program the Office of Cooperatives for Business and Trade <br>plans to make digital training Marketing and Branding Strategy.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PEMASARAN OBYEK WISATA BUKIT KAYOE PUTIH DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENGUNJUNG 2022-11-08T23:10:10+07:00 Robiatur Rosydah <p>Kayoe Putih hill tourism is a conservative nature tourism <br>located in the Jetis area, Mojokerto district. The number of tourist <br>visitors is known to have always increased within a certain period of <br>time since it was reopened after being previously closed for reasons <br>of the Government's policy regarding the Enforcement of Community <br>Activity Restrictions (PPKM) which aims to reduce the spread of <br>COVID-19. The promotional strategy used by Bukit Kayoe Putih <br>tourism then became the author's interest to be discussed. The theory <br>which is then used in the research is the theory of Kotler and <br>Armstrong regarding marketing strategy and is translated into 7Ps <br>(Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evidence &amp; <br>Process). The concept described by Kotler and Armstrong will be <br>used as a scalpel in evaluating how the communication strategy <br>actually occurs in Bukit Kayoe Putih tourism from the manager and <br>tourists through an interview and observation by the author by <br>adjusting to the 7Ps. The findings of the observational data explain <br>several aspects that look quite good, for example when they say a <br>tourism product which almost all of its products are not limited by <br>time in its implementation or implementation. Relevant to this, the <br>interview data findings also explain that the 7P concept as a whole <br>exists and is implemented by the manager and is communicated to the <br>visitors.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik PERAN WAYANG BEBER SEBAGAI MEDIA KOMUNIKASI DALAM MATA PELAJARAN SENI BUDAYA PADA SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 PACET KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO 2022-11-08T23:14:14+07:00 Ahmad Arif Fauzul Adhim <p>The use of Wayang Beber as a medium of communication in the <br>Cultural Arts lesson for students in class XII at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet, <br>Mojokerto. The learning process of Cultural Arts in class XII of <br>SMAN 1 Pacet with Wayang Beber is not just learning about wayang <br>beber performances, but students are required to carry out the <br>process of making wayang beber until performances. Seeing the <br>current condition of students as millennials who cannot be separated <br>from the influence of technology, it turns out that the Wayang Beber <br>media is have an act to introducing culture to students, as well as a <br>means to practice communication skills. So that Wayang Beber is an <br>alternative communication tool or media in the midst of today's <br>digital era. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data <br>analysis technique that will be used in this research is using <br>descriptive analysis method which includes the process of collecting <br>and compiling data analysis. The theoretical basis used is the theory <br>of symbolic interaction and median communication. From the results <br>of the above research on Wayang Beber as a communication medium <br>in arts and culture subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Pacet, Mojokerto, <br>Wayang beber actualy have useful as a medium of communication in <br>the form of students being able to learn and get several forms of <br>cultural arts lessons in the arts, literature, fine arts, and music. and <br>performing arts.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik REPRESENTASI PELAKOR DALAM WEBSERIES LAYANGAN PUTUS KARYA OKA AURORA 2022-11-08T23:17:28+07:00 Eka Nanda Leony Julyeta Putri <p>Representation of 'Pelakor' in the webseries of Layangan <br>Putus by Oka Aurora. Pelakor (homewrecker) is a term to call a <br>woman who took someone else's husband. In the society's point of <br>view, homewrecker is the one that responsible in the broke of <br>someone's family. In this research, writer wants to analyze how the <br>representation showed in webseries of Layangan Putus by Oka <br>Aurora. In this research, the writer focused to analyze the contain of <br>representation showed in the webseries, escpecially the representation <br>of homewrecker. The academic function of this research is to <br>contribute in the improvement of communication sciene, especially <br>the contain of character representation in a media. Meanwhile, in <br>practice, this could be use as society's view in examine the <br>characteristic of homewrecker. The writer hopes that the viewers of <br>webseries Layangan Putus by Oka Aurora anticipating the similar <br>things in the future. This research used the qualitative descriptive <br>method. The data analysis technique used is the process of data <br>presentation and arrange the data analysis from the founding data. <br>This draw the conclusion that the representation of homewrecker in <br>the webseries built from various categories and included the contents <br>analysis indicators</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik ANALISIS RESEPSI PARANOICE PADA DAKWAH HABIB HUSEIN JA’FAR AL HADAR DI APLIKASI NOICE “BERBEDA TAPI BERSAMA” 2022-11-08T23:20:51+07:00 Nugraha Nindya Komarudin <p>Islam encourages preaching. Muslims are obliged to spread <br>peace and prosperity. Da'wah media is a tool used in the process of <br>disseminating messages. Even if only as an intermediary, it is very <br>important in the process of spreading God's word. One of the young <br>da'i who can use social media well is Habib Husein Ja'far Al Hadar <br>by using podcast media as a means of preaching. The da'wah <br>messages from him reached the target. In this research, the <br>formulation of the problem found "How is the analysis of Paranoice <br>reception on Habib Husein Ja'far Al Hadar's da'wah in the Noice <br>application different but together". The analysis is carried out in one <br>episode by making an encode, which serves as a benchmark to <br>determine categorization for supporting audience, negotiation that <br>reflect middle positions off-topic comments, and oppositions that <br>represent the true substance of the podcast. The 54 episodes were <br>found that there were 2 episodes that were most worthy of research <br>from the point of view of the amount of feedback and most were based <br>on a predetermined theme from the Noice side, the impact of the title <br>by choosing the first episode on the show entitled "Religion is chosen <br>not inherited" which starring Coki Pardede and the second "The <br>presence of the devil's church in the midst of religious people". The <br>two episodes were aired consecutively on April 16, 2021 and August <br>6, 2021. June 16, 2022 coincided with the writing of the research, the <br>analysis carried out in episode 1 found that 478 comments were <br>overall reduced to 334 comments that resulting in 232 hegemony, 92 <br>negotiations and 7 oppositions, Meanwhile, in episode 13, the total of <br>734 comments was reduced to 586 comments with 306 hegemony, 213 <br>negotiations and 61 oppositions. In this case, it can be concluded that <br>Habib Husein's da'wah is dominated by audiences who choose <br>hegemony.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik KONVERGENSI SEBAGAI BENTUK MEDIAMORFOSIS DI JAWA POS RADAR MOJOKERTO 2022-11-08T23:24:50+07:00 Septia Tri Wilujeng <p>Competition in new media and the development of <br>information technology currently brings new trends that have an <br>impact on patterns of production, distribution, and consumption of <br>news, this forces conventional media to transform, including Jawa <br>Pos Radar Mojokerto. With the decline in the number of print media <br>readers, which resulted in a decrease in the number of media and <br>their circulation, the print media had to innovate with other onlinebased companies. With the existence of new media in the digital era, <br>Jawa Pos Radar Mojokerto conducts media convergence, this is done <br>to face media competition in the digital industry. This study aims to <br>determine the process of mediamorphosis and the occurrence of the <br>convergence process in Jawa Pos Radar Mojokerto. Researchers <br>used qualitative descriptive methods, data collection techniques by <br>means of field observations, interviews and documentation. This <br>research refers to the concept of mediamorphosis and continuum <br>convergence. Mediamorphosis carried out includes Coevolution, <br>Convergence, and Complexity. To find out the occurrence of <br>convergence activities, JPRM applies five stages, namely cross <br>promotion, cloning, cooperation, content sharing, and full <br>convergence. Based on the findings of the study, it was shown that the <br>Mojokerto daily newspaper, print media, carried out a <br>mediamorphosis by expanding the digital website platform, e-paper, <br>youtube channel and social media platforms (facebook, twitter, <br>instagram, tik-tok). As for the full convergence stage, it has not been <br>fully implemented because the production team is still the same, <br>meaning that each platform for the youtube news portal, social media <br>does not yet have its own editor or manager to manage the <br>distribution of the news planning process, so it can be said that it has <br>not yet reached the full convergence stage.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik REPRESENTASI PLURALISME BUDAYA DALAM KONTEN YOUTUBE AHHA MUSIC PADA VIDEO KLIP LAGU “THIS IS INDONESIA” 2022-11-08T23:28:04+07:00 Sri Mulyani Candrawati <p>Cultural pluralism is a concept that refers to an <br>acknowledgment, acceptance, and attitude towards the plurality or <br>diversity of a nation, ethnicity, or cultural background that <br>characterizes a plural society. While the representation is the ability <br>to describe an object. Representation itself plays a very important <br>role in a culture because, culture is formed through meaning and <br>language. In this study, the author wants to know how the meaning of <br>the representation of cultural pluralism in AHHA Music's youtube <br>content in the video clip "This Is Indonesia" with AHHA MUSIC <br>content. Which aims to find out the meaning of the symbol of cultural <br>pluralism in the video clip "This Is Indonesia". In representing <br>pluralism, researchers use elements of semiotics. Semiotics is an <br>analytical methodology to examine signs that have meaning or <br>meaning. The sign referred to in semiotics is a message in the <br>communication process. Communication semiotics examines signs in <br>a wider communication context, in which there are various elements <br>of communication such as media, messages, or codes. The researcher <br>conducted a study with the title "Representation of Cultural Pluralism <br>in the YouTube Content of AHHA Music Video Clip Song "This Is<br>Indonesia" using descriptive qualitative semiotics. The use of the <br>semiotic method is used to see the representation of cultural pluralism <br>contained in the object of research. Overall, it can be said that the <br>meaning of the representation of cultural pluralism in the video clip <br>of the song This Is Indonesia is the attitude of community tolerance in <br>terms of culture and religion without distinguishing ethnicity, race <br>and religion. In the video there is also the meaning of cultural <br>pluralization which can be seen from the symbols that show that the <br>community is tolerant of each other's way of thinking, behaving, and <br>being religious</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik STUDI DESKRIPTIF KEKERASAN VERBAL DAN NON VERBAL PADA TAYANGAN LAPOR PAK! EPISODE APRIL 2022 DI TRANS 7 2022-11-08T23:31:00+07:00 Luckman Indrayanto <p>Lapor Pak! is a television comedy program broadcast by the <br>Indonesian television station Trans 7, the comedy program Lapor<br>Pak! currently on the rise because the program provides <br>entertainment that can make the audience laugh and the players are <br>professional in starting a joke, but as if the program is running there <br>are elements of verbal and non-verbal violence committed by player 1 <br>to another player. Such as ridicule, rude language style, deprivation, <br>gestures that refer to other players as if challenging. Therefore, the <br>problem of this research is that the author wants to know how the <br>forms of verbal and non-verbal violence in the comedy program <br>Lapor Pak!.The research method in this study is a qualitative method <br>by listening, viewing, reading, and analyzing each episode of Lapor <br>Pak! As of April 1 – April 29, 2022. Using the content analysis <br>method, the results of the research are in terms of the number of <br>occurrences of verbal violence in the comedy program Lapor Pak!, <br>21 Video Lapor Pak! as of 1,2,3,5,6,7,15,18,19,20,21,22,25,27,28 and <br>29 April 2022. The verbal communication category in emotion <br>appears 21 times, in style appeared 21 times, ridicule 21 times, <br>comparison 3 times. The category of non-verbal communication in <br>body movements appears 9 times, touch 6 times, and environmental <br>indicators do not appear at all. Knowing that there are elements of <br>non-verbal violence in the comedy program Lapor Pak! can lead to <br>comedy program rating Report Pak! down and will result in a <br>warning or sanction from the KPI (Indonesian Broadcasting <br>Commission).</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik MODERNITAS DALAM PELAKSANAAN DIGITALISASI PEMERINTAH DESA DI DESA SUMBERTANGGUL KECAMATAN MOJOSARI KABUPATEN MOJOKERTO 2022-11-08T23:35:28+07:00 Amelia Iskandar santoso Tri Ratna Rinayuhani <p>The Mojokerto City Government initiated a program by creating a <br>program called Entrepreneurial Incubation based on the Mayor's <br>Regulation number 14 of 2021 which was aimed at fostering <br>entrepreneurs, especially in the culinary field. affected by the 2019 <br>Covid Pandemic until now the program is still continuing and getting <br>a good response for Mojokerto City residents in developing interest in <br>the field of entrepreneurship, This research is a qualitative <br>descriptive research, this type of research is a case study using direct <br>observation data collection methods, Interviews with informants, as <br>well as documentation studies, were conducted at the Department of <br>Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade of <br>Mojokerto City. This research is analyzed using the concept of Role <br>theory . The results of this study reveal that the Department of <br>Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises, Industry and Trade of <br>the City of Mojokerto has carried out the entrepreneurial incubation <br>program in accordance with Perwali Number 14 of 2021 and <br>provided detailed training on the world of entrepreneurship and in its <br>follow-up program the Office of Cooperatives for Business and Trade <br>plans to make digital training Marketing and Branding Strategy.</p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik PERAN PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DI PONDOK PESANTREN AMABATUL UMMAH 2022-08-28T19:47:48+07:00 Anis Safitri Damayanti Hikmah Muhaimin suprapto <p><em>Community empowerment carried out by the Amanatul Ummah Islamic Boarding School provides opportunities for the community to develop themselves and achieve the expected welfare. Because the community empowerment carried out by Amanatul Ummah is in the form of empowerment in the economic field, so that with this it creates new job opportunities for local residents. This study aims to determine the role of the village government in the empowerment, in this case the researcher uses the theory of community empowerment with indicators of community welfare and the process for the success of the empowerment carried out by the Amanatul ummah. This study uses qualitative research methods with descriptive analysis research types to describe how the village government's efforts in empowering the community in Amantul Ummah. The results of this study indicate that community empowerment carried out by Amanatul Ummah involves part of the village government, so that not all community empowerment requires the role of the village government. </em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik DINAMIKA KONFLIK ANTARA PEMERINTAH DESA DENGAN KELOMPOK MASYARAKAT DALAM PENGEMBANGAN WISATA DESA 2022-08-28T20:04:00+07:00 Arlike Fitri Teryastuti Anastasia Ahmad Hasan Afandi Jenny Yudha Utama <p><em>The village tourism development planning carried out by the Mlaten Village Government experienced a conflict with the Bedog Hamlet community group. Where the Mlaten Village Government is accused of not involving the Bedog Hamlet community in the tourism development planning process. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the Dynamics of Conflict between the Village Government and Community Groups in the Development of Village Tourism. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data collection methods used are Observation, Interview and Documentation. This research uses conflict theory analysis from Ralf Dahrendorf. The results of this study reveal that the dynamics of the conflict that occurs between the Village Government and community groups in village tourism development planning is due to the policy issued by the Village Head as the owner of power over tourism development planning is deemed unfair, because the surrounding community is not involved in development planning. And this conflict is still unresolved until now.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PERWALI NO 12 TAHUN 2008 PADA BIDANG REHABILITASI NARKOBA 2022-08-28T20:07:33+07:00 Bernando Nur Sandi <p><em>Narcotics and dangerous drugs (drugs) in Indonesia in recent years have become a serious problem and have reached an alarming state and become a national problem. There needs to be an outreach and rehabilitation carried out by the government to eradicate drug users or these dangerous drugs. In order to eradicate drug users, the government needs to make a policy that is the basis of the government in eradicating drug users. Through the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the government can reduce the number of drug users with the achievement of eradicating all drug users in Indonesia. The implementation of the Mojokerto City BNN policy as measured using the Merilee S. Grindle theory is related to the measure of the success of the implementation of the Mojokerto Mayor's Regulation Number 12 of 2008 concerning the Mojokerto City Narcotics Agency which was followed by the Mojokerto City Regional Regulation Number 25 of 2019 which later became a guideline for the creation of policy programs prevention of the eradication of drug abuse and illicit trafficking (P4GN) and which is run by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Mojokerto City. In this study, the results showed that the implementation carried out by the Mojokerto City BNN was in accordance with existing policies. In its efforts to rehabilitate people who have already become drug users, the Mojokerto City BNN has worked hard to restore the morale of drug users when the rehabilitation period is over.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik POLA RELASI PEMERINTAH DESA WATUKENONGO DENGAN UD. NIAGA JAYA DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT KUPAS BAWANG 2022-08-28T20:16:39+07:00 Dion Krisdianto Santosa Tri Ratna Rinayuhani <p><em>The Village Law provides an opportunity for the Village Government to be independent in processing all potentials in its administrative area. However, community involvement is also needed to be able to manage the existing potential. This study aims to determine the pattern of village relations in community empowerment through peeling onions, Watukenongo Village, Pungging District, Mojokerto Regency. In order to find out the pattern of this relationship, the researcher uses the actors Theory on Community Empowerment by using several indicators including authorithy, confidence and ability, belief, opportunities, responsibility, support, this study uses a qualitative research method with descriptive analysis type of research to describe how the Village Relations Pattern in Community Empowerment through Peeling Shallots. The results of this study indicate that the Village Government and UD. Niaga Jaya has carried out Community empowerment through Peeling Shallots and in the future to carry out community enthusiasm in developing Community Empowerment it requires public awareness and also the Village Government to carry out social movements so that later the business development run by the Village Government can be achieved according to what is expected by both parties. party. However, this community empowerment in the future should be comprehensive to the community.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik POLA KOMUNIKASI ORGANISASI EKSTRA KAMPUS DALAM MEMBENTUK MILITANSI ANGGOTA DI UNIVERSITAS ISLAM MAJAPAHIT 2022-08-28T20:25:03+07:00 Moh Fergy Fahru Rizal <p><em>Extra-Campus Student Organization or OMEK is a student organization that is not on campus. Extra-campus organizations are not included in the college structure. In this study, the objects studied were HMI, PMII, and GMNI at the Majapahit Islamic University. by examining organizational communication patterns that have an impact on the militancy of organizational members. The purpose of this study was to determine the patterns of organizational communication carried out by Extra Campus Organizations in forming member militancy at the Majapahit Islamic University. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research methods. by using the theory from Lawrence D.Brennan that the exchange of ideas between superiors and subordinates in a company or organization in order to realize goals with a distinctive structure (organization) and the exchange of ideas that takes place Vertically, Horizontally and Diagonally can form militancy which has three indicators. Namely, Loyalty, Hard Work and Compliance. These three indicators are realized because of the pattern of communication carried out within the organization. The results of this study indicate that members of the organization can be useful for the organization and obey the rules that apply in the organization. Organizational members have a strong effort due to the communication patterns that occur. As in studies or discussions, or motivation by seniors and alumni. Organizational members are also obedient to orders within the organization if the orders given are good and in accordance with the organizational foundation and become disciplined in the organization which is carried out due to responsibilities in a timely manner, spiritually disciplined, carrying out duties and obligations as they should. In this case the extra-campus organizational communication pattern (OMEK) at the Majapahit Islamic University can form the militancy of its members.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik ANALISIS PERAN PEMERINTAH DESA DALAM PERALIHAN FUNGSI LAHAN DI DESA JANTI KECAMATAN MOJOAGUNG KABUPATEN JOMBANG 2022-08-28T20:33:48+07:00 Mohammad Ilham Saysy Khafidhulloh Ahmad Hasan Afandi Hikmah Muhaimin <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Law Number&nbsp; 6 of 2014 concerning Villages aims to provide recognition and clarity to villages of their status and position in the constitutional system of the Republic of Indonesia. In Law no. 6 of 2014 in article 83 paragraph 3 (B) stipulates that "the use and utilization of village areas in the context of determining development areas is in line with government/city spatial planning". The Janti village government has the right to regulate what is within the scope of its village, in this study the researcher wanted to find out how the role of the Janti village government in the transition of land functions in the village. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, this type of research is a case study using direct observation data collection methods. Interviews with informants, as well as documentation studies, were conducted in Janti Village, Mojoagung District. This study aims to find out what is the role of the Janti village government in the transition of land functions and what are the impacts felt by the community, researchers are interested in analyzing it with the role theory stated by Biddle and Thomas. The results of this study reveal that the role of the Janti village government in the transfer of land functions includes several things and is also carried out well. The village government of Janti is also able to cope with the existing impacts well</span></em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik ANALISIS RESEPSI KHALAYAK TERHADAP VIDEO MENGUAK SISI LAIN MENTORING POLIGAMI BERBAYAR DI CHANNEL YOUTUBE NARASI TV PERIODE BULAN NOVEMBER 2021 – FEBRUARI 2022 2022-08-28T20:37:38+07:00 Nadia Riski Rahmayanti <p><em>In a developing country, one of which is Indonesia, which makes technology much needed. Especially in this modern era, people cannot be separated from what is called social media. Social media is a communication tool that is often used by the public. The attitude of the millennial generation in general has the same pattern, namely having a great curiosity about the issues around them. In the Narasi Tv Youtube channel, the author is very interested in one of his videos entitled “Revealing the Other Side of Paid Polygamy Mentoring. Open your eyes". The type of research used in this study is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. While the method used is the reception analysis method. The researcher uses the reception analysis method with the aim of conducting a detailed analysis of the object to be studied. While the specification of this research is descriptive which aims to describe the facts systematically so that it is easier to understand and conclude. The researcher managed to find 230 comments that were accumulated in the period November - February which represented the meaning made by the audience that the most position was the Opposition position, where many audiences refused to pay polygamy mentoring by kiai Hafidin. But also not a few who are in the position of Dominant Hegonomy, namely accepting the existence of paid polygamy mentoring and supporting the activities of the kiai.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik ANALISIS RESEPSI PADA REALITAS SOSIAL DALAM KONTEN YOUTUBE BOBON SANTOSO 2022-08-28T20:41:33+07:00 Rosita Dewi <p><em>Technology that is growing rapidly and advancing will certainly bring various kinds of influences. Currently, more and more Indonesians like the content contained in the application, causing more and more creators in Indonesia to use Youtube. This study aims to see the audience's reception of social reality on The Santoso Youtube Channel in the video "Kecemplung Jelly Amer 2 Meter".The analysis that will be used in this research is Stuart Hall's reception analysis by classifying the audience into 3 categories, dominant hegemony, negotiation, and opposition. The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative research approach. The data collection method used in this study uses observation and documentation techniques, the unit of analysis in this study is the Youtube Channel "The Santoso" which is in the video "Kecemplung Jelly Amer 2 Meters".</em><em> The results of this study are that in the video content on The Santoso Youtube Channel or commonly called Bobon Santoso there is one most dominant position, namely the opposition position where the audience does not agree with the use of red wine in their cooking content because the majority of people who are Muslim consider that the drink Alcohol is forbidden to consume. Many audiences see that the show is not in accordance with the prevailing norms and etiquette.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI INTERPERSONAL FRONTLINER TERHADAP KEPUASAN PELANGGAN DI KANTOR FIFGROUP CABANG MOJOKERTO 2022-08-28T20:48:52+07:00 Wulan Rahmadaniati Zulianasari <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; This research was conducted at the office of </em>FIFGROUP Mojokerto<em> Branch. </em>FIFGROUP Mojokerto<em> Branch Office is a company engaged in financing. The number of competitors in this field, </em>PT. FIFGROUP<em> carries out a strategy to maintain customer trust in the company, especially in services in the front position, namely frontliners with interpersonal communication skills. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an effect of frontliner interpersonal communication skills on customer satisfaction. In this study, researchers used two variables, namely interpersonal communication skills and customer satisfaction. Therefore, a hypothesis is formed, whether interpersonal communication skills affect customer satisfaction. This study uses descriptive quantitative research methods. The population taken in this study were all customers at the </em>Mojokerto<em> Branch </em>FIFGROUP<em> office on the basis of sampling using probability sampling technique, namely simple random sampling because the sample was taken randomly without regard to the existing strata in the population. The results of this study are the results of the simultaneous test or F test the result is the value of Sig = 0.00 &lt; 0.05 and F-count = 0.647 &gt; F-table = 0.2732, based on these results it can be interpreted that the frontliner interpersonal communication variable has an effect significant impact on customer satisfaction at the </em>Mojokerto <em>Branch </em>FIFGROUP<em> office.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik ANALISIS WACANA KONTEN YOUTUBE KISAH TANAH JAWA EPISODE KULIAH METAFISIKA “WETON” 2022-08-28T20:52:47+07:00 Yogin Yuanita <p><em>Discourse Analysis of “Kisah Tanah Jawa” Youtube Content Part “Kuliah Metafisika Weton”. Javanese people were one of loyal community and uphold the norm, ethics, custom and culture which was passed down from generation to generation. Start from the smallest to the biggest things in every Javanese people behavior had their own philosophy. One of them was the calculating of the day and market in implementing life activity. “Weton” was combine of seven days in a week (Senin, Selasa, Rabu, Kamis, Jum’at, Sabtu dan Ahad) with five Javanese market days (Legi, Pahing, Pon, Wage, Kliwon). In this research, writer wanted to analyze how “Kisah Tanah Jawa” packed a content so that can interest the viewer to watch these content. In this case, writer emphasized to analyze discourse which contained especially in episode “Kuliah Metafisika Weton”. Academic Function of this research contributed in communication science field especially in analysis discourse. While practically, writer wanted to give advice for the content owner in serving the interesting content to the viewer future. This research used qualitative description method. Data analysis data which was used in this research was descriptive method of analysis which included the process of collecting and compiling data analysis. Theoretical basis which was used was New Media theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory. It can be concluded that social media can give chance which equivalent to all people for giving information. Through video content “Youtube Kisah Tanah Jawa” Om Hao as a communicator tried to give discourse and knowledge to the audience for discourses which was developed in “Kuliah Metafisika Weton” and “Mempelajari Jodoh Lewat Weton”, here Om Hao said that technique or method to calculate weton with matric formula by using mathematical theorem which was simple packaging and easy to understand.</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PAMSIMAS DI KECAMATAN GONDANG 2022-08-28T20:57:26+07:00 Yusril Pradana Ahmad Hasan Afandi suprapto <p><em>The implementation of the Pamsimas Program is very useful, therefore the policies issued by the Padi and Gondangg Village governments in terms of community welfare since 2017-2021, This research is a qualitative descriptive research, this type of research is a case study using the Observation data collection method. direct. Interviews with informants, as well as documentation studies, were conducted in Padi Village and Gondang Village, Gondang District, Mojokerto Regency. This study aims to determine the implementation of the Pamsimas Program in Gondang District, researchers are interested in analyzing it with the theory of policy implementation stated by Merilee S. Grindle. the people of Padi Village and Gondang Village</em></p> 2022-10-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Semnas Sosial Politik